The Latest ESG Trends in Asia


The world is facing unprecedented environmental challenges, and Asia is no exception. This vast continent is experiencing rapid economic growth, urbanisation, and industrialisation that have led to severe environmental degradation. However, there are some promising trends emerging in the region that suggest a shift towards more sustainable practices. In this article, we will explore the latest ESG (environmental, social and governance) trends in Asia.

We start with sustainable investing because, as investors become more aware of the impact of their investments on the environment and society, they are increasingly looking for opportunities to invest in companies that prioritise sustainability. Asia has seen a surge in sustainable investment funds and green bonds as investors seek to align their portfolios with their values.

We then discuss green bonds and financing. These financial instruments allow companies to raise capital for environmentally friendly projects such as renewable energy or sustainable agriculture. The popularity of green bonds has grown significantly in recent years, particularly in China where the government has been promoting sustainable finance as part of its environmental policies.

Finally, we will look at corporate social responsibility (CSR). Many Asian companies are recognising the importance of CSR as a way to build trust with customers and stakeholders while also contributing to positive social and environmental outcomes. We will explore some examples of CSR initiatives taken by Asian companies and how they have impacted their business operations.

Overall, we see how the ESG trends in Asia highlight some key areas where progress is being made towards a more sustainable future.

Sustainable investing

Sustainable investing is a growing trend in Asia, with more investors looking to put their money into companies that prioritise environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. In recent years, there has been a greater focus on sustainability in the region due to concerns over climate change and the impact of businesses on local communities. As a result, sustainable investing has become an increasingly popular way for investors to align their financial goals with their values.

The rise of socially responsible investment (SRI) funds

One of the key drivers of sustainable investing in Asia is the rise of socially responsible investment (SRI) funds. These funds are designed to invest in companies that meet specific ESG criteria and avoid those that do not. They have become particularly popular among younger investors who are more environmentally conscious and want their investments to have a positive impact on society.

Another trend driving sustainable investing in Asia is the growing demand for green bonds. Green bonds are fixed-income securities that are used to finance projects with environmental benefits such as renewable energy or clean water infrastructure. These bonds provide an opportunity for investors to support environmentally friendly projects while also earning a return on their investment.

The integration of ESG factors

In addition to SRI funds and green bonds, there has been a shift towards integrating ESG factors into traditional investment strategies. This involves considering factors such as carbon emissions, labour practices, and board diversity when making investment decisions. Companies that score well on these metrics may be seen as better long-term investments due to their commitment to sustainability.

However, there are challenges associated with sustainable investing in Asia. One issue is the lack of standardised ESG reporting across companies in the region. This makes it difficult for investors to compare different companies based on their sustainability practices and can lead to confusion about which companies are truly committed to ESG principles.

Another challenge is the perception that sustainable investing requires sacrificing returns. While some studies have shown that SRI funds may underperform compared to traditional funds over short periods of time, others have found no significant difference over longer time horizons. It is important for investors to do their research and consider the potential risks and returns of sustainable investments before making any decisions.

Overall, sustainable investing is a growing trend in Asia that reflects a broader shift towards greater consideration of ESG factors in investment decision-making. While there are challenges associated with this approach, it provides an opportunity for investors to support companies that prioritise sustainability while also potentially earning a return on their investment.

Green Bonds and Green Financing

Green Bonds and related financing is one of the latest ESG trends in Asia that has gained significant momentum over the past few years. Green bonds are essentially fixed-income securities that are issued to finance projects that have positive environmental and social impacts. These bonds are an innovative way for companies, governments, and organisations to raise funds for environmentally sustainable projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, and sustainable agriculture.

Green bonds have become increasingly popular in Asia due to the region’s growing awareness of environmental issues and the need for sustainable development. According to a report by Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), Asia-Pacific issuances account for more than half of global green bond issuances. China is currently the largest issuer of green bonds in the world, followed by Japan and South Korea. In 2020 alone, China issued $15 billion worth of green bonds.

Sustainability-linked loans (SLLs)

Green financing is not limited to just green bonds; it also includes other forms of financing such as sustainability-linked loans (SLLs) and sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs). SLLs are loans where interest rates are tied to specific sustainability targets that companies need to achieve. SLBs work similarly but instead link bond coupon payments with sustainability performance indicators.

The benefits of green financing go beyond just raising funds for sustainable projects; they also help companies reduce their carbon footprint and improve their overall ESG performance. By issuing green bonds or taking out SLLs/SLBs, companies can demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability while attracting socially responsible investors who prioritise ESG factors when making investment decisions.

Governments in Asia promoting Green Financing

Governments in Asia have also been promoting green financing through various initiatives such as tax incentives and regulatory frameworks that encourage companies to invest in environmentally sustainable projects. For example, Japan\’s Ministry of Environment has launched a Green Bond Fund that provides financial support to local governments issuing green bonds.

Green Bonds and Financing is one of the latest ESG trends in Asia that has gained significant traction in recent years. The increasing demand for sustainable development and environmental awareness has led to the growth of green financing, which includes green bonds, SLLs, and SLBs. The benefits of green financing go beyond just raising funds for sustainable projects but also help companies improve their ESG performance and attract socially responsible investors. Governments in Asia have also been promoting green financing through various initiatives that encourage companies to invest in environmentally sustainable projects.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that has been gaining traction in Asia over the past few years. CSR refers to a business\’s commitment to operating in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner. It involves taking responsibility for the impact of their operations on various stakeholders including employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment.

AN emphasis upon social and environmental value

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness among businesses in Asia that they have a role to play in creating social and environmental value beyond just generating profits. This has led to an increase in CSR initiatives across the region. One notable trend is the focus on sustainability and environmental protection. Many companies are now implementing measures to reduce their carbon footprint by investing in renewable energy sources or improving energy efficiency.

Another trend is increased engagement with local communities. Businesses are recognising that their operations can have both positive and negative impacts on the communities where they operate. Therefore, many companies are now engaging with local stakeholders to understand their needs and concerns better. This engagement can take various forms such as community outreach programs or partnerships with local organisations.

New attention to philanthropy in Asia

One particular area of CSR that has gained prominence in Asia is philanthropy. Many businesses are now giving back to society through charitable donations or other forms of support for social causes such as education or healthcare. This trend reflects a growing recognition among business leaders that they have a responsibility not only towards shareholders but also towards society at large.

Furthermore, there is an increasing emphasis on ethical business practices such as transparency and accountability. Companies are expected to be transparent about their operations and disclose information related to social and environmental performance regularly. In addition, there is growing pressure from investors for companies to adopt responsible governance practices such as ensuring diversity at board level.

Corporate social responsibility continues to be an important issue for businesses operating in Asia today. Companies must recognise that they have responsibilities beyond just generating profits for shareholders; they also have obligations towards employees, customers, suppliers, communities, and the environment. Therefore, businesses must take a holistic approach to CSR by considering the impact of their operations on all stakeholders and implementing measures to create social and environmental value.


In conclusion, the latest ESG trends in Asia have shown a significant shift towards sustainable investing, green bonds and financing, and corporate social responsibility. The increasing awareness of environmental and social issues has led to a growing demand for responsible investment practices in the region.

Sustainable investing has become a mainstream approach for investors who seek to achieve both financial returns and positive impact on society and the environment. Green bonds and financing have also gained popularity as an effective tool to finance environmentally friendly projects. Moreover, corporate social responsibility has become an integral part of business strategies as companies recognise the importance of addressing social and environmental challenges.

Overall, the latest ESG trends in Asia reflect a growing commitment towards sustainability and responsible investment practices. As more investors demand transparency and accountability from companies, it is expected that these trends will continue to shape the investment landscape in the region.

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Humperdinck Jackman
Leads the daily operations at ESG PRO, he specialises in matters of corporate governance. Humperdinck hails from Bermuda, has twice sailed the Atlantic solo, and recently devoted a few years to fighting poachers in Kenya. Writing about business matters, he’s a published author, and his articles have been published in The Times, The Telegraph and various business journals.


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