Reading Time: 2 minutes


Without a SaaS solution, SME ESG reporting is too complex and expensive. You need a local partner who can make ESG add value to your business.

ESG reporting creates a huge commercial advantage for small and medium-sized enterprises with the foresight to become early adopters.

Increasingly, tenders from larger organisations are weighting ESG responses from their supply chain, this causes smaller businesses to fail at the first hurdle because they can’t evidence their claims.

Governments realise that by pressuring the top of the supply chain, they can drive change across business without resorting to excessive red tape. If you export to Europe, though, there’s an increased urgency due to the CSRD impact which make itself felt in 2023.

Finally, there’s the consumer. They’re holding firms to account by choosing their suppliers, employers, universities, and even professional services firms such as lawyers, based on their environment, social and governance record.

Next Generation ESG

Wizard-driven tools for the SME


Rely on ESG PRO’s team to train and support your staff in data gathering and report generation.

ESG Data

Compare your ESG data with 1,000’s of competitors and use this to your commercial advantage.

GHG Scope 1,2, 3

Harness the GHG Protocol and industry carbon calculations, saving time and your internal resources.

ESG Disclosures

With questionnaire builders and stakeholder response automation, you’ll build your materiality matrices fast!

API and Integrations

Integrate with leading CRM and ERP solutions, as well as with your website, for unique power and flexibility.


There’s a lot to learn and even more to do, and with ESG PRO you have localised email, telephone and remote access support.


  • Generate customised forward-looking short to long-term climate impact assessments and market risk metrics in accordance with Paris Climate Agreement.
  • Extend the platform with the Enterprise edition so you can implement carbon mitigation and management policies which optimise assets operations and capital investments.

Popular ESG Enterprise Functionality

01. Instant access to ESG ratings for internal assessments
02. Track ESG performance against competitors
03. ESG reporting tools & data collection
04. Supports multiple standards incl., SDG, IRC, TCFD, SFDR
05. Supply chain sustainability & human rights and due diligence
06. Access 40,000 ESG ratings and assessments
07. Climate risk tools for net-zero pathways and & carbon mitigations


Matt Whiteman

I hope you enjoy reading this article.

Wherever you are on your ESG reporting journey you should talk to us!.

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