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Strategic Consultancy for ESG & Sustainability – Enhance Your Strategy

  • Unlocking growth through the added value of sustainability

    Get the help you need! Learn how our ESG consultants can develop your Sustainability Transition Plan and map it to the ESG frameworks and regulations.

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Growth through ESG

Expert ESG consulting

We help clients to weather the storm in the face of the many new pressures such as a climate emergency, energy crisis, and extreme supply chain disruption. These threats have pushed ESG to the top of every boardroom’s agenda. The problems are fuelling legal actions by activist investors, with D&O lawsuits now posing a very real risk.

We are seeing also a marked increase in sustainability-related regulatory enforcement actions, in the UK spear-headed by the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA), the Competition and Markets Authority (CMMA), and the Financial Conduct Authority (CMA).

Our ESG consulting service navigates businesses from sme to plc, and even governments, through the regulatory and financial minefield. We show our clients how to add value, and how to position their businesses for growth through the correct application of ESG.

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Strategic Objectives

What is a Sustainability Transition Plan?

You need a well-considered plan to re-engineer your value chain. It must reflect the size of your business, your strategic objectives, your risks and your opportunities. We work with all levels of your organisation to develop a sustainability transition plan which your management team, employees, and investors can believe in.

Your ESG strategy starts with ensuring good governance, which encompasses managing business continuity as well as corporate transparency. It progresses through social and environmental topics, and culminates in agreement on how ESG will add value to the organisation.

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6-point ESG strategic plan

ESG advisory

We work with our clients through individual consultations and workshops, to identify the primary themes which will enable an ESG and wider sustainability program to add value to the business.

We conduct research, when appropriate, so organisations can see how their peers are performing, and what material topics they are referencing in both published reports and through

From CSR to ESG

Through careful review of your corporate governance, your environmental initiatives, and your efforts to address CSR to date, we establish an ESG maturity assessment which indicates the overall effort required to ensure you get a recognised ESG rating.

Using various analysis tools, this benchmarking process ensures enables your organisation’s leadership are involved in the project scope and design, because every sustainability project requires Executive engagement to be successful.

We manage your materiality assessments

Our world-class materiality assessment approach scales from the needs of small businesses through to multi-national corporations. Using multi-channel marketing and communications techniques, we design optimised strategies to suit every budget and objective.

Our consultancy team travels globally when required to conducted in-person workshops and stakeholder interviews, as well as utilising the most modern online technologies to minimise costs.

Develop of a bespoke ESG plan

Informed by the materiality assessment, we develop with you and your advisors a long-term strategic ESG plan. This ranges from total engagement with your risk management and financial advisors, to evaluating such options as a program of carbon neutrality.

We leave no stone unturned to devise a sustainable value strategy which can translate into a significant long-term value and competitive advantage. ESG PRO work as your sustainability and ESG reporting champions, overseeing the entire reporting process against the leading frameworks.

Manage supply chain sustainability

Your supply chain represents risk and opportunity, especially in today’s economic climate. Our award-winning technologies enable us to interrogate supply chains at every level, to reveal risks.

Supply chain auditing requires more than just surveys, very often it demands on-site inspections. To protect your reputation, we can serve as your independent auditors examining employment practises, waste, emissions, and beyond.

ESG rating management

With so many ESG frameworks and ratings agencies, how do you know where to set your priorities? ESG PRO serve as your trusted advisors to navigate you through the maze, ensuring you have the most appropriate ratings, quickly.

As part of managing your ESG rating, our services extend to cultivating brand awareness to maximise the added value of your ESG reporting.

Ready to go, or in a rush? Book a meeting today – click here.


Matt Whiteman

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